Morning Sun


When this website is complete, it will contain an extensive collection of primary source documents from the Cultural Revolution (including speeches, newspaper editorials and articles, directives, big-character posters, letters, diaries, pamphlets, and self-criticisms), as well as a wide range of secondary source material, such as essays, memoirs, articles, and book excerpts. These personal narratives, histories, biographies, and scholarly analyses will serve to represent a variety of perspectives on the Cultural Revolution.

Original documents - examples:

The Little Red Book

Revolutionary Cultural Productions:

Literature and Art Workers Hold Rally for Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution | Rent Collection Courtyard - Sculptures of Oppression and Revolt

About the Red Guards:

It's Fine! | Red Guards Destroy the Old and Establish the New | The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Engulfs Peking's Streets | The Red Guards' Battle Song, We Are Chairman Mao's Red Guards

The Mao Cult:

The Whole Family is Red | World's People Eagerly Seek Chairman Mao Badges | Mao Zedong Thought is the Telescope and Microscope of Our Revolutionary Cause | Exploring the Secrets of Treating Deaf-Mutes | Mao Tse-tung's Thought Opens a New Road to the Curing of Deaf-Mutes | Cancer is a Paper Tiger | Spiritual Atom Bomb Aids Harvest

Secondary sources - examples:

Geremie R. Barmé, Shades of Mao: The Posthumous Cult of the Great Leader
Richard Curt Kraus, The Tiananmen Poems, about the April 1976 Tiananmen Incident, from Brushes with Power
Simon Leys, "Human Rights in China," 1978 essay published in The Burning Forest
Jonathan Spence essay on Tiananmen Square, The Gate and the Square
Ban Wang, "The Cultural Revolution: A Terrible Beauty Is Born," from The Sublime Figure of History: Aesthetics and Politics in Twentieth-Century China

Related Readings - examples:

Online Articles
Elizabeth J. Perry and Li Xun, "Revolutionary Rudeness: The Language of Red Guards and Rebel Workers in China's Cultural Revolution," Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China 2 (Summer 1993): 7.
Michael Schoenhals, "Talk about a Revolution: Red Guards, Government Cadres, and the Language of Political Discourse," Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China 1 (Spring 1993): 39.
Vivian Wagner, "Songs of the Red Guards: Keywords Set to Music," Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China 2 (Winter 1996).
Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom and Elizabeth J. Perry, eds., Popular Protest and Political Culture in Modern China (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994).

Click on the links below to buy these titles at

Images and Photographs
Chinese Propaganda Posters
, From the Collection of Michael Wolf (TASCHEN, 2003).
Chinese Propaganda Posters: From Revolution to Modernization, Stefan Landsberger (Pepin Press, 1997).
Picturing Power in the People's Republic of China
, Harriet Evans and Stephanie Donald (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, 1999).
Red-Color News Soldier
, Li Zhensheng (Phaidon Press, 2003).
Painters and Politics in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1979, Julia F. Andrews (University of California Press, 1994).
Art and Politics in China, 1949-1984, Maria Galikowski (Chinese University Press, 1998).

Key Documents
China's Cultural Revolution, 1966-1969: Not a Dinner Party, Michael Schoenhals (M.E. Sharpe, 1996).

Educational Materials
Teaching Red Scarf Girl - A Study Guide to Ji-li Jiang's memoir, Red Scarf Girl, from Facing History and Ourselves

Selected Bibliography

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