Lin Biao

Lin Biao (1907-1971) — PLA marshal, defense minister, vice-chairman of the Chinese Communist Party — was at one time considered Mao Zedong's heir apparent. He had a notable military career, attending Whampoa Academy, serving under Zhu De, and becoming a leader in the Red Army and the People's Liberation Army.

A great promoter of the Mao cult, Lin Biao wrote the introduction to the Little Red Book: "Once Mao Tse-tung's thought is grasped by the broad masses, it becomes an inexhaustible source of strength and a spiritual atom bomb of infinite power." By 1971, however, Mao had turned against Lin, who was alleged to be plotting a coup. Lin and his family died in a mysterious plane crash in Mongolia in 1971.

Lin Biao with Mao Zedong in Yenan

Lin Biao, speaking at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political College

Painting, Lin Biao with Mao Zedong

Painting, Lin Biao speaking with PLA soldiers

Mao Zedong, along with Lin Biao, Zhou Enlai, and other leaders, receiving delegates from the People's Liberation Army - December 1967

Lin Biao with Mao Zedong, reviewing Red Guards (while holding up a copy of the Little Red Book), oil painting 1968

Mao and Lin at Tiananmen, c. 1968

Photograph of Lin Biao reading the Little Red book, taken by Jun Ling (Jiang Qing), 1971

Lin Biao at the 9th Party Congress, 1969

Anti-Lin Biao poster with Lin Biao and Confucius: "Completely destroy Lin Biao's reactionary principles of wishing to bring back Capitalism"

Anti-Lin Biao poster: "Fight well the people’s war against Lin Biao and Confucius"